The Data Services team has starting thinking about adding Any/All support to Data Services and we noticed a couple of things that I think warrant minor changes to the proposal. So as always I wanted to share and get your thoughts.

New separator

The original any/all proposal suggested using a ',' to separate the range variable from the predicate, e.g:

~/Movies/?$filter=any(Actors a, a/Name eq 'John Belushi')

I think this has a problem. Usually ',' is used to separate similar things, like the parameters to a function, but in this case it separates a Lambda Parameter from a Predicate. Clearly these things are not the same, moreover using ',' would confuse things in the future if we ever allowed calling custom functions with multiple parameters in the filter.

I think this means we need something more lambda-ish, perhaps something like this:

~/Movies/?$filter=any(Actors a: a/Name eq 'John Belushi')

This uses ':' instead of ','. There is even a precedent for using ':' in lambdas, python uses ':' like this:

lambda a: a+1

More importantly this makes sense in OData because:

  • ':' is explicitly allowed in querystrings, in fact it is in a list of suggested scheme specific separators called out in RFC 3986.
  • Using a single character (as opposed to something like => or ->) makes more sense in a URL that needs to be concise.

Shorthand Syntax

While thinking through scenarios for any/all, I noticed that I was often writing queries like this:

~/Movies/?$filter=any(Awards a: true)

Or this:

~/Movies/?$filter=any(Actors a: any(a/Awards aw: true))

In both cases the predicate really doesn't matter, so requiring 'true' seems a little bit like a quiz.

The proposal then is to add a shorter (and easier to understand) 'overload':

~/Movies/?$filter=any(Actors a: any(a/Awards))

I think you'll agree this is a lot easier to understand.


Hopefully these proposals are not too controversial, either way though I'm very keen to hear your thoughts. Do you think they make sense?
