Now OData services can be built using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular.JS, Node.js)

If your a .NET developer specifically with ASP.NET (MVC, Web API/REST, Entity Framework, OData, etc.) and have heard or had interest in the MEAN stack, especially Node.JS, server side development in JavaScript – made possible with Google’s V8 open source JavaScript engine, have a quick read (and YES the entire MEAN stack will run in Azure just as your traditional .NET web stack would).

Check out more from this blog post.

Having been anticipating for a Node.js server-side implementation of OData V4? Now you have a choice: node-odata

node-odata is a implementation of a OData V4 server library that has been actively updated recently. The author Zack Yang has much experience in using ASP.NET Web API OData and likes the interoperability and convenience that OData can offer for a RESTful API builder. As he moves to Node.js platform due to work reasons, he thinks it'd be nice to have a OData V4 library on Node.js thus he created the project and has been improving it for months.

Find out more from the GitHub repository of the project. Zack even built a CMS system as an sample to showcase how easy it is to write a real project based on communicating with a REST back-end using node-odata.

OData V4 service implementers on .NET don't have to write a controller for every entity sets any more. RESTier has come.

On Jan 9th, the OData team of Microsoft announced the preview release of a new open source turn-key solution for building OData V4 services: RESTier. Quoting the blog post that announces the release:

RESTier is a RESTful API development framework for building standardized, OData V4 based REST services on .NET. It can be seen as a middle-ware on top of Web API OData.  RESTier is built with the inspiration of combining simplicity of WCF DS with the flexibility of Web API OData.

For people that may worry about the support by the team for ASP.NET Web API OData. The team expresses that RESTier and ASP.NET Web API OData will both be well supported as the former library is based on the latter one.

As mentioned in the first part, RESTier is based on Web API OData. Web API OData will continuously be improved and RESTier will benefit from the improvements.

Find out more from this announcement blog post and the getting started guidance.

First set of business OData APIs in China goes live: Juhe Data's data APIs

Juhe Data is a leading company in China providing data services to application developers and data analysts. They've recently announced their new OData APIs for their data sets. The data sets are:

  • NAV for Chinese funds
  • Suspended Chinese funds
  • Holding Chinese funds
  • Financial data for Chinese funds
  • Real-time locations distribution of bicycles for public in China
  • Water quality in China
  • Data of Shanghai government

Find out more from Juhe's announcements (in Chinese language): #1, #2

Call for news

If you have anything that you'd like to share with the OData community, send a mail about it to and we'll add it to the next news letters.